Author Archives for Jim Buttress

Tips for July 2024

July 1, 2024 10:14 am Published by Comments Off on Tips for July 2024

Harvest summer fruiting raspberries and as they finish cut out fruited canes. Thin and tie in new ones to support... View Article

Tips for June 2024

May 28, 2024 9:36 am Published by Comments Off on Tips for June 2024

To encourage plenty of embryo figs, which will ripen next year, pinch or prune off the tips of new fig... View Article

Tips for May 2024

April 30, 2024 3:07 pm Published by Comments Off on Tips for May 2024

Check Box plants regularly for evidence of damage from box tree moth caterpillars (webbing and defoliation). Remove any caterpillars that... View Article

Tips for April 2024

March 31, 2024 11:48 am Published by Comments Off on Tips for April 2024

Remove faded daffodil and tulip flowers, nipping off the heads and seed pods. Leave foliage to die back naturally. This... View Article

Tips for March 2024

February 28, 2024 10:48 am Published by Comments Off on Tips for March 2024

March is the latest time to buy and plant bare root trees, shrubs and hedging plants which tend do be... View Article

Tips for February 2024

January 28, 2024 1:57 pm Published by Comments Off on Tips for February 2024

Lift and divide snowdrops (Galanthus) and winter aconites (Eranthis) once they finish flowering. Cut down all of last year’s autumn... View Article

Tips for January 2024

January 2, 2024 1:43 pm Published by Comments Off on Tips for January 2024

Sow sweet peas for flowering in early summer, in a frost free greenhouse. Use deep pots or old toilet rolls.... View Article

Tips for December 2023

November 28, 2023 12:28 pm Published by Comments Off on Tips for December 2023

Prevent premature leaf drop by placing cut Christmas trees in water. Always position trees away from heat and water container... View Article

Tips for October 2023

September 30, 2023 10:23 am Published by Comments Off on Tips for October 2023

For early flowers, sow sweet peas indoors this month or next. Sow seed in root trainers or 9cm pots.. Keep... View Article