Tips for July 2024
July 1, 2024 10:14 amHarvest summer fruiting raspberries and as they finish cut out fruited canes. Thin and tie in new ones to support wires, spacing the stems about 10cm apart.
For late season colour, plant autumn flowering bulbs such as Colchicum and Nerine.
Lift early potatoes and later in the month second earlies.
Prune magnolias now. If this is done at other times of the year it can lead to the plant bleeding. Keep pruning to a minimum, removing dead, damaged or diseased stems. Always cutting back to another leaf or branch so as not to leave any stubs.
Harvest garlic, shallots and onions when foliage has turned yellow. Place them in a dry, sunny spot to allow them to ripen.
Give hanging baskets and seasonal containers a weekly feed with a high potassium fertiliser to keep them flowering and looking their best through the summer.
Now is the time to sow spring cabbage, turnips, oriental vegetables, chicory, fennel and salads for winter cropping.
Summer prune wisteria this month or next, cutting back long whippy shoots to five or six buds from a main stem.
Penstemons, Lavender and Salvias can be propagated now. Take 10cm cuttings from current seasons non-flowering shoots. Put in cutting compost and place in a bright spot out of direct sunlight.
Tomatoes under glass or in a poly tunnel need maximum ventilation to keep the temperatures below 25 deg. Water regularly and evenly to prevent blossom end rot and fruit splitting.