Tips for April 2024
March 31, 2024 11:48 amRemove faded daffodil and tulip flowers, nipping off the heads and seed pods. Leave foliage to die back naturally. This will encourage them to divert energy back into the bulbs.
Second early seed potatoes can be planted from early to mid April and main crop from mid April until the end of the month.
Prune hardy fuchsias back to healthy buds to promote new growth for flowering later this summer, as a guide reduce by half.
Sow sweet peas outdoors and plant out Autumn sown plants once they are hardened off. Pinch off shoot tips of autumn sown plants once they reach 7.5-10 cm to encourage them to branch out.
Late in the month begin sowing under glass or on the window sill crops such as runner beans, pumpkins and squashes to plant out after the last frost in May.
Trim Lavender, take out old flower stems and shorten shoots by2.5 cm if not done last autumn.
Formative pruning of plum and cherry trees can start once leaf buds open.
Cut perennials such as Penstemons, Gaura and Verbena Bonariensis down to new shoots on last years growth.
Sow beetroot, carrots, swiss chard, lettuce, leeks, radish, spring onions, peas and perpetual spinach.