Tips for September 2024

August 31, 2024 7:16 pm Published by

Lift main crop potatoes as soon as they mature, as slug damage will get worse the longer tubers stay in the soil.

Autumn lawn care can begin this month if the grass is growing strongly. Scarifying (racking out thatch) aerating (spiking), top dressing and reseeding will improve the health and appearance of the lawn.

Clean out so that birds can use them for roosting in winter. Line them with dry grass to make them warmer for smaller birds.

Plant spring flowering bulbs such as crocus, daffodils, hyacinth and muscari but plant tulips in November to reduce problems with tulip fire.

Ensure carrots have insect mesh in place with no holes, as carrot flies are most damaging in late summer to autumn.

Apply barrier glue or grease bands to fruit trees at the end of the month to deter winter moth.

Plant up large pots with Heucheras, small ever green shrubs, ferns and grasses for a long lasting autumn display and narcissus Tete e Tete to add spring colour.

Cover cabbage, brussel sprouts, kale and cauliflower with netting to prevent birds such as pigeons shredding the leaves. Always keep netting taut to make it less dangerous for wildlife.

Keep camellia and rhododendrons well watered in dry spells. Now is when they are forming flower buds for next springs display.

For an early crop next July, plant onions that do not flower prematurely including Electric and Senshyu Yellow.